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Companion Animal Behaviour Therapy (live broadcast)

Watch on site or online by live stream

Early bird registration until 31 July

The 5th PsiAnimal Conference will be held in Cascais, Portugal, on the 26th and 27th September, 2015. PsiAnimal was founded in 2011, by a multidisciplinary team, to promote the study animal behaviour and welfare. We are very excited to host our 5th Conference in Cascais, a beautiful town by the ocean and nearby Lisbon. This year, for the first time, we will be live streaming our event, allowing people from all over the world to join us during this weekend.

The 5th PsiAnimal Conference will feature talks on fear, aggression, stress, psychopharmacology, etc., many of which by our main speaker, Dr Gary Landsberg, an internationally renowned Veterinary Behaviourist from Canada.

We encourage participation not only from veterinarians, veterinary technicians and nurses, trainers and behaviourists but also from anyone who has an interest in animal behaviour and welfare.

We expect a full room, so register early!

Contact us at: psianimal.geral@gmail.com

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