• Agenda

Small Animal Lower Urinary Tract Endoscopy Course

Dates: 26 to 27 april, 2016
Venue:  Belgium
Target : Veterinary professionals enrolled with basic urinary endoscopy procedures and techniques willing to develop and extend skills and equipment in Small Animal Lower Urinary Tract Endoscopy.

• 6,5 Hours Theory + 6 Hours Practical Course
• Mastering Flexible and Rigid Urethrocystoscopy, auxiliary diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.
• In-depth review of most frequent lower urinary tract disorders in which endoscopy plays a master role in diagnosis and possible minimally invasive therapeutic approach.
• Introduction to minimally invasive approach on Urolithiasis Management.
• Introductory Level to Lower Urinary Tract Laser interventions.
• Contact with SDI and High Definition endoscopy equipment, and Holmium laser technology.

VOLZET: mogelijkheid om u op de wachtlijst te zetten

VZW Practische Bijscholing voor Dierenartsen,